Monday 31 March 2014

The Patient Bear ©

This is a work in progress, and will be posted to in due course.

Two weeks ago, I was on my way to tutor one of my beautiful pupils when I saw a lonely little white bear, nose down, bum in the air, abandoned on the ground outside the entrance to the condominium block.

Obviously lost.

Dusting him off, I sat him down on the bench inside the entrance and told him to wait as I was sure that someone would be along soon.

The patient bear ©

The little bear so loved his boy,
His life was filled with fun and joy.
Each night he’d creep right into bed,
And on the pillow lay his head.

He’d snuggle up extremely close,
And feel he was so grandiose.
He had a special place right there,
Always in his boy’s nightly prayer.

He sighed and closed his eyes tight shut,
His nose shone like a beetle nut.
This little bear was very loved,
And cherished by a boy beloved.

His fur was white and eyes were blue,
And his little ears all fluffy too.
He really was the cutest bear,
No other bear could quite compare.

And then one sunny afternoon,
His boy took out a giant balloon,
He tied the string around a paw,
And in the air he felt it soar.

The little boy smiled in delight,
The little bear hung on in fright.
As the balloon rose higher in the sky,
‘Look, look, up there, my bear can fly!”

There are more words needed here before I get to this verse:

I found him lying on the floor, 
Abandoned, lonely by the door. 
I sat him on the bench to see 

If someone claimed him as trustee.

And then of course there is the question of patience......